Monday, April 17, 2006

Fail,but Live.....
I know we keep telling this to each other ,that Dont worry Ho jayega !! But sorry dear,I will have to say that once again,because I dont like to see you in pain !!!!!So this is for you....

Keep Success within you all along
Do not be house for fear of failure
Coz we are no little mice,
And we live life once not twice.
I was so little and young;
When I dreamt my first victory;
My dreams were crumbled soon,
And I could not add it to history.
For every failure of mine,
I learnt a lesson so true,
Thank you failure,coz for every lesson I learnt,
I am so indebted to you.
So,now I know who my mentor is,
Teaches me so much,absolutely no fees,
You are my friend,you are my guide,
If I have Failure,why should I hide ?
With every failure,you try even more,
With an additional weapon in your armour;
If Fear lies within you,and makes you sore,
Fear will grow,just like a tumour.
Success gives you pride,failure gives you a preaching;
Fear will give only pain,failure gives you a tecahing,
Now you decide what you want dear,
You want failure or want its fear ?
Dhimrock-----------------17Th April..2006

1 comment:

Tejas said...

Hey Dhimant,

never knew you were a poet...
wonderful lines...
For every failure of mine,
I learnt a lesson so true,
Thank you failure,coz for every lesson I learnt,I am so indebted to you.

All the best to you man...really happy that you have made it to MDi..

Take care and keep in touch